上越市が国宝の上杉謙信の愛刀購入へ 評価額3億2千万円 市民から寄付募る

上越市が国宝の上杉謙信の愛刀購入へ 評価額3億2千万円 市民から寄付募る

 – 5か月前

新潟県上越市は戦国武将、上杉謙信の愛刀で国宝に指定されている「太刀無銘一文字(号 山鳥毛)」を購入する。2016年8月23日、村山秀幸市長が定例記者会見で明らかにした。専門家による評価額は3億2000万円で、市は市民や企業から広く寄付を募り、来年度中に購入する方針だ。
上杉謙信の愛刀「太刀無銘一文字(号 山鳥毛)」の刀身
太刀 無銘一文字(号 山鳥毛)刀身全体 
太刀 無銘一文字(号 山鳥毛)黒漆合口打刀拵
太刀 無銘一文字(号 山鳥毛)刃紋 

Google translates:

Purchase sword unsigned character (No. pheasant hair) are designated national treasures by Uesugi Kenshin, Japanese Samurai sword, Joetsu-Shi, Niigata. 8/23/2016, Mayor of village Hirayama Hideyuki revealed that at a regular press conference. 320 million appraised by experts in the city policies widely solicited donations from citizens and businesses, to buy in the next fiscal year.

Source : https://www.joetsutj.com/articles/37390279

His sword is as a sword of Kenshin, scenic has been transmitted to the Uesugi family. Now privately owned, has been deposited in the Okayama Prefectural Museum.  And last June, the Niigata Prefectural Museum of history through owner Ken Shin Kanoko sword its intention to transfer information and has been adjusted. Blade length 79 cm, the best sword and has been confirmed in 35 hips determined by the scenic spots in the gem of bizen swords through city and Fukuoka Ichimonji majority. 3/1952 a specified national treasure.  The pheasant hair issue comes a blade crest is similar to the pheasant feathers. I've heard the opinion Kenshin 太刀取 regarding the volunteer "kasugayama Castle save development promotion Council" and "Kenshin"righteous mind"Association", "take a look at in the city of purchase" that would like to help as a call for donations, such as citizens ' movement of the voice came out. Chamber of Joetsu, Joetsu tourism Convention Association calling for the cooperation, establishing citizen Conference on national treasure Kenshin public sword (chicken hair) collection 9/6. This public meeting will mainly, citizens, such as for fundraising and wide-ranging.  City call for donations to city companies and leverage Enterprise Edition home tax in fiscal year 2017, solicit donations from companies outside the city partnerships and initiatives to advance. From that period of occupancy in Joetsu-Shi kasugayama Castle of Kenshin, in addition to the relics of the Uesugi family; I think marks as "treasure city" on the centerpiece of the Museum city purchased the sword during the next fiscal year, from the current museum to reopen in 2018 in the summer. Village Hirayama Hideyuki Mayor was talking "by having falling in love as a civic treasure, through the efforts of citizens to 太刀取 take pride in and attachment to home and even more".


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