Jean's collection Gokaden

My Nihonto collecting journey started only about 18 months ago, I am always grateful to Jean from the Nihonto Message Board who has pointed to me the direction to collect. 

This is Jeans's collection that has inspired me to collect Koto. Jean is a very experienced collector who is willing to teach and share. It is every collector dream to collect : Gokaden consisting of the five dens

- Bizen Den: ubu nijimei beginning of Oei Yasumitsu, early Kamakura sugata, suguha
- Soshu Den: Tametsugu, son of Go Yoshihiro and Norishige Student
- Mino Den: Naoe Shizu
- Yamato Den : according Honma Junji/Tanobe sensei: Hosho, according to NBTHK, Tegai Kanekiyo, son of Kanenaga
- Yamashiro : Ryokai

To be able to collect the five famous dens and collect Katana in superb quality requires dedication, discipline and good eye and taste. A good target to aim for!


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