Gokaden (Five basic style of Japanese Sword)

Gokaden ***Five basic style of Japanese Sword*** 

From ancient times, there were five geographical areas which produced a great number of swordsmiths. These areas were blessed with several good conditions, such as in political aspect, in business and rich in raw materials for making sword. 

As a result, many smiths flew in these core part continuously from all over the country and brought about a great advance in research and development in Katana sword making. 

Each producing district established their own style and initiated their technique into posterity and also influenced local smiths a great deal. These are the five main districts where they showed distinctive competency above all. Since the start of my hobby, I have only managed to find the first two and there are 3 more dens to go.

1. Mino-den - Naoe Shizu
2. Yamato-den - Ryumon Nobuyoshi
3. Soushu-den
4. Bizen-den
5. Yamashiro-den


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